
Welcome! Li Gan was a postdoctoral fellow at the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, INFN, in Florence, Italy. His research interests include statistical mechanics, quantum information, combinatorial physics, and their intersections with mathematical physics, high energy physics, and computer science. Li Gan earned his PhD in physics from Université Paris-Saclay under the supervision of Professor Stéphane Ouvry at LPTMS, CNRS.

[Mar. 2025] 🚀New Preprint Alert🚀 arXiv:2503.02667
Quantum Charging Advantage from Multipartite Entanglement
[Dec. 2024] 🚀New Preprint Alert🚀 arXiv:2412.21128
Do classical lattice random walks relate to topological string theory? Using the Hofstadter model, we propose a conjecture connecting signed area enumeration to the quantum A-period of toric Calabi–Yau threefolds. Comments are welcome!

Updated: March 2025



  1. 2024 — 2025 Postdoctoral Fellow, Galileo Galilei Institute


  1. 2024 PhD in Physics, Université Paris-Saclay
  2. 2018 Diplôme d'ingénieur, École Centrale Paris
  3. 2015 BSc in Mathematics, École Centrale de Pékin


  1. 7. Quantum charging advantage from multipartite entanglement

    H.-L. Shi, L. Gan, K. Zhang, X.-H. Wang, W.-L. Yang, arXiv:2503.02667 (2025)

    Links: [DOI] [Google Scholar] [arXiv] [INSPIRE-HEP] [ADS] [ResearchGate]

  2. 6. Lattice random walks and quantum A-period conjecture

    L. Gan, arXiv:2412.21128 (2024)

    Links: [DOI] [Google Scholar] [arXiv] [INSPIRE-HEP] [ADS] [ResearchGate]

  3. 5. Algebraic area of lattice random walks and exclusion statistics

    L. Gan, Université Paris-Saclay (2023)

    Links: [HAL] [Google Scholar] [these.fr]

  4. 4. Algebraic area of cubic lattice walks

    L. Gan, Physical Review E 108, 054104 (2023)

    Links: [DOI] [Google Scholar] [arXiv] [HAL] [INSPIRE-HEP] [ADS] [ResearchGate]

  5. 3. Combinatorics of generalized Dyck and Motzkin paths

    L. Gan, S. Ouvry, A. P. Polychronakos, Physical Review E 106, 044123 (2022)

    Links: [DOI] [Google Scholar] [arXiv] [HAL] [INSPIRE-HEP] [ADS] [ResearchGate]

  6. 2. Algebraic area enumeration of random walks on the honeycomb lattice

    L. Gan, S. Ouvry, A. P. Polychronakos, Physical Review E 105, 014112 (2022)

    Links: [DOI] [Google Scholar] [arXiv] [HAL] [INSPIRE-HEP] [ADS] [ResearchGate]

  7. 1. Electrostatic force between two dielectric particles in electrorheological fluids: beyond spherical particles

    H.-Z. Tang, L. Gan, W. An, MATEC Web of Conferences 187,04001 (2018)

    Links: [DOI] [Google Scholar] [ResearchGate]



    The most difficult thing is not facing setbacks and frustrations, but facing them without losing enthusiasm for life. – Ko Wen-je, former mayor of Taipei City

    My mind is very peaceful. I don't care so much about the money, or the honor. I like to be very quiet and keep working by myself. – Yitang Zhang, mathematician

    Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity. – Occam's razor

  2. Memes

    Meme Image

    Fibonacci sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... e.g. 8 Miles ≈ 13 Kilometers



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